Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Anthem Final Blog

Anthem Final Blog

Directions: Choose ONE of the following prompts and write a blog comment of 100-200 words in response to the prompt. 

#1 - Equality named himself "Prometheus" after a character from Greek mythology. Read about Prometheus here and then explain the significance of this name. Why did he choose this name? How does Equality compare to the Greek Titan Prometheus? Cite text evidence that supports your ideas.

#2 - Our unit theme is leadership, and we see different examples of leadership in Anthem. We see the leadership of the council in the dystopian society, but we also see Equality emerge as a leader in chapter 12. How is Equality a leader in his society? What are his future plans for his people? Cite text evidence that supports your ideas.

#3 - Equality's discovery of light is a major event in Anthem that has symbolic meaning. What does his light symbolize to him? What does it represent to mankind? Search the web for info about light as a symbol in literature. Then explain the symbolism of light in Anthem.  Cite text evidence to support your ideas.


  1. I think he named himself Prometheus because he compared to him a lot and maybe he had read about him somewhere and had gotten inspired to be just like him. One thing they have in common is that they both gave the human race the gift of fire and both Prometheus and Equality had something to d with metal work and again they both had someone holding them down from something they wanted to do (ancient.eu 1). It also states that Prometheus was clever and Equality was also clever because he could sneak out from the jail they kept him in.

  2. # 2 In the beginning of Anthem we can see how equality is a little different than his brothers,"We were born with a curse, it has always driven us to thoughts that are forbidden." Anthem (Rand 18) Although Equality knows he is not supposed to think for himself he does anyway.Equality tries to stay away from his own thoughts for 21 years of his existence, once he starts to realize the things he can accomplish on his own he does. Throughout the book Equality discovers how to create light, he wants to show the council his discovery and change mankind forever, the council was outraged with this discovery. They knew that for Equality to discover light he would have had to think and act for himself which is strictly prohibited. Equality realizes he can do bigger and better things with his light, so he runs off to the uncharted forest. Liberty joins Equality and they start a new life together. Liberty is with child and Equality realizes he wants to start mankind over,"here on this mountain, I and my sins and my chosen friends shall build our new land." Equality completely wants to start over, he wants to recruit more of his friends so they can start a new and better life. This shows major leadership in Equality, he knew something wasn't right so he found a way to make it right, not just for him but his people

  3. Equality called himself Prometheus for many reasons. First and foremost, he proverbially after that person because Prometheus gave man fire. Prometheus ¨took the light of the gods, and gave it to men¨(Rand 99). Equality thinks that he is Prometheus in the sense that he is going to give knowledge to the people. This is most likely because Equality wants to go back to his society to get more people, and build a society out of it. Equality would also teach them first person words like I, my, we. This would Prometheus be giving people fire.

  4. Equality chose the name Prometheus because Prometheus is the Greek Titan that gave the humans fire, which is a source of light, and Equality tries to give the council electricity, which can produce light.

  5. He named himself Prometheus because he compared to him a lot.First and foremost, he proverbially after that person because Prometheus gave man fire.Equality tries to stay away from his own thoughts for 21 years of his existence once he starts to realize the things he can accomplish on his own he does.Equality would also teach them first person words like we, me ,I

    1. Use your own words. I feel like you are answering two different prompts. Focus on his name or on leadership.

  6. When Equality chose the name Prometheus, he was choosing a symbolic name that compares him to a titan that gave gifts to all the creatures of earth, "Prometheus was given the task of endowing them with gifts so that they might survive and prosper" (Cartwright). Prometheus's gift to mankind was fire, which coincides with Equality's light. Equality believes his light is a great gift to mankind, "We shall put before them the greatest gift ever offered to men" (Rand 67), which makes me think he picked that name because he believes he is a giver to men. Another thing to mention is that Prometheus was punished after giving fire to man, “Prometheus was chained to a rock (or pillar) and Zeus sent an eagle to eat the Titan’s liver” (Cartwright), and Equality was also punished for his gift of light, “We shall deliver this creature to the World Council itself and let their will be done” (Rand 72).

  7. In Greek mythology, Prometheus who was known for being a “clever trickster”, was famous for giving humans the gift of fire and the skill to be able to do metalwork, which he was punished for by Zeus in an extreme way. Zeus made sure that everyday that an eagle ate the liver of Prometheus, while he was chained to a rock (Cartwright). I think he chose this name because it stood out to him the most while he was reading. I think this name stuck out to him because Prometheus reminded Equality a lot of himself.What happened to Equality with the council was almost the exact same thing that happened with Prometheus and Zeus, they both showed the people something that they thought would make everyone happy and make the world better, but instead of being rewarded as they thought they would be, they got severely punished for it.

  8. I say that one reason he named himself Prometheus was because he no longer wanted to have the name given to him by the society which he basically hates now. Another reason would be because of his bravery to stand up to Zeus, comparing it to himself because he stood up to the society. Prometheus is a significant name because of his bravery to steal fire directly from the Gods and escaped the punishment and used the fire as his own, as Equality basically stole the power of electricity and ran away from everything.

  9. #3
    The light symbolizes hope,truth to Equality 7-2521 because when he discovered it he didn't want no one to know and everyday he tried making new discoveries and finding out the truth.This light may mean truth to mankind,maybe that they be living a lie in Anthem,And that the councils are hiding something from them.(Pg#54),Anthem)The symbolism of light in Anthem means Truth,something the council have been hiding.It means truth because there is something the council is hiding from them.(pg#56,Anthem)

    1. Your response is a little repetitive, but you have the right idea.

  10. Equality is a big leader in his society.He wants everyone to be different in his society and say I not we when they talk about themselves.He want his society to be big and spread a lot when he said this,"and it will becomes as the heart of the earth ,lost and hidden at first,but beating,beating louder each day."(Rand 104)

  11. I think Prometheus is going to be the leader of everything that he has discovered because people might be afraid of him because he is so tall and they might know that he came for Orphanage because what he is wearing. So he might rule those places. Jesus Martinez

    1. How is he becoming a leader in ch 12? What is his plan for the future? Be sure to organize your thoughts.

  12. In chapter 12 equality emerges into a leader when he first started to read the books and found the word "I" and then called the golden one.He told the golden one about the i and she said "i love you"(anthem pg 98)as they kept reading the books they found the names Prometheus and Gaea and thought to call each other those names.Equality was now being a leader he told the golden one that he had plans to make his own society and that he's going to bring his friends to his home to be together as one. Equality says "I shall live here ,in own home .I shall take my food from the earth by the toil of my own hands.I shall learn many secret from my books...i shall rebuild the achievement of the past, and open the way to carry them further...( anthem pg 99) he want to remake the past to were every thing was fair.

  13. #2 Equality is a leader in his society because he is a person who is willing to do things that might get him in trouble and make a big difference in the world. In the text it states, "We equality have discovered a new power of nature. And we have discovered it alone, and we are alone to know it". Equality's future plans are to make a new population with the golden one. in the text it states, " Then here on this mountaintop, with the world below me and nothing above me but the sun, I shall live my own truth. Gaea is pregnant with my child. our son will be raised as a man". At the end of the book Equality and the golden one gave each other real names. Equality gave the golden one the name of Gaea and the golden ole gave Equality the name of Prometheus.

  14. Equality's light symbolizes to him as truth because his light helps him realize the peculiarity truth of his society and the understanding of his independence from his brothers. To mankind the light represents " what is not thought by all men cannot be true"(73 Rand).In literature light symbolizes knowledge and purity.Scientific research as the light is what gives meaning and joy to equality's life.

    1. Light in Anthem represents truth. Equality becomes prometheus, bringer of the light and he believed his contrubution to the world was his invention. His society's leaders feared the light because light illuminates human dignity.

  15. #1 "In Greek mythology, the Titan Prometheus had a reputation as being something of a clever trickster and he famously gave the human race the gift of fire and the skill of metalwork, an action for which he was punished by Zeus, who ensured everyday that an eagle ate the liver of the Titan as he was helplessly chained to a rock"(Prometheus biography). Equality is almost identical to Prometheus, because he gave the gift of electricity and light to the council, which he was punished for. The Council tried to take away qualities invention and wanted to kill him for going against every rule there is.

  16. #1 Equality chose the name Prometheus because Prometheus gave fire or light to humans and was punished for it, as Equality gave the scholars light and was punished for his discovery. He says that "all light bearers must suffer" because he suffered for creating light as did Prometheus.

  17. Equality chose the name because Prometheus gave the gift of fire and metalwork to humanity. Prometheus is also a trickster. Prometheus gave gifts to help humanity survive. Equality also wanted to give a gift to humanity but was also rejected and was forced to flee. Equality however was not a trickster. He found things he had never seen before and wanted to study them to eventually, one day be able to recreate the item. He believed that he could still help recreate the world.

  18. Equality gave himself the name Prometheus because just like Prometheus, Equality stood up to society just like Prometheus stood up to Zesus. Equality invented light in Anthem and Prometheus was all about giving gifts to humans of earth. "Prometheus was given the task of endowing them with gifts so that they might survive and prosper" (Cartwright). Equality also picked this name because he gave himself this name and feels all men should have a name that makes them different from everyone else. Also, he doesn't really like society anymore so he didn't wanna stick with Equality.

  19. #1 In Greek mythology, it says that Prometheus famously gave the human race the gift of fire and the skill of metalwork"The Titan Prometheus had a reputation as being something of a clever trickster and he famously gave the human race the gift of fire and the skill of metalwork"("Prometheus"P.1). This relates to Equality because he recreated light instead of using torches and he is going to gift that to the new society he is creating and it is going to have freedom. Equality also can relate to Prometheus because Prometheus was punished for gifting those two things as well as Equality"An action for which he was punished by Zeus, who ensured everyday that an eagle ate the liver of the Titan as he was helplessly chained to a rock."("Prometheus"P.1). Equality maybe wasn't punished in the exact same way but he was punished for gifting something that could help the world but just because someone of a higher point then him doesn't like his idea and they removed it long ago, he was punished by getting lashed.

  20. #2 Equality becomes a leader in paragraph 12 and shows and talks about all the thing hes society would have EX:freedom for man and women, equality would teach hes children how to speak with "I" and stand in hes own feet.equality was willing to do things that could have gotten him killed. equality at the end wants to make a new society for hes future he wants to repopulate "Gaea is pregnant with my child.our son will be raised as a man"(Rand pg#100)

  21. Prometheus stole fire from Zeus to give it to the humans. He gave the humans light just like how Equality gave his community light. Equality gave himself the name Prometheus because he was the giver of light just like him. Zeus punished Prometheus for stealing his light by chaining him to a rock and letting an eagle eat his liver. Equality got the punishment of lashing for showing the light to the council. They both are alike because they wanted to help people, but the got punished for doing so. Equality chose Prometheus as his name because he realized that he has similar characteristics to Prometheus and he is a leader like Prometheus.

  22. I think that equality picked Prometheus because in the article Prometheus by Mark Cartwright it says that Prometheus has skills in fire and metal work "the gift of fire and the skill of metalwork" (Cartwright) and i think he interpreted that into meaning fire as his light and metalwork as his metal wires all things that connect to the light and it also says that "Prometheus (Forethought) was one of the ringleaders of the battle"(Cartwright) and equality wanted to fight for freedom and he talks about leading a fight in the book anthem by Ayn Rand "for the coming of the day i shall fight...for freedom of man" (Rand)

  23. Equality is a leader in society because he does thing that might get him in trouble but he doesn't care and it can also make a difference to the world.Equality plans are to make population with the golden one."we have discovered a new power of nature,and we have discovered it alone"Equality and the gold one towards the end of the book they gave each other names"Gaea is pregnant with our child,our son will be raised as a man".

  24. Equality was a person who believed in "Freedom of man" (Rand 104). Just like Prometheus whom he got his name from. The significance of this name is the reputation it holds behind it, which was leading. Both Equality and Titan Prometheus offered the human race the gift of being free. Both fighting a battle for its freedom, forgetting what was told and taught, and moving on to becoming not "We" but "I".
    Equality fought the battle between. They both carried a passion towards leading in what they believe in and doing whatever it takes to lead there path.

  25. Equality is a leader because, when he escaped into the uncharted forest he did not forget about the one who cries without reasons and the one who calls for help in the night.Equality wants to go back and gather the others, he said " I shall call to me all the men and the women whose spirits has not been killed within them and who suffers under the yoke of their brothers"(Rand 101). This shows that equality is a caring and selfless leader,he doesn't only care about him and they golden one but he also cares for the others.

  26. In my point of view, the Light, which was shown in Anthem, it symbolizes the knowledge that could not find without studying and discovering. It also means that it shines up over the darkness and shows the right direction. Moreover, in Anthem, this shows Equality´s desire of freedom of gaining knowledge, ¨let us flood our cities with light. Let us bring a mew light to men¨(Rand 71).

  27. #2 Equality is a leader in Anthem because he does scandalous things when he shouldn't be just so he could attempt at making a change in Anthem. In the beginning of Anthem Equality says, "We were born with a curse, it has always driven us to thoughts that are forbidden." (Rand 18) This shows that Equality knows his curiosity could get him into deep trouble but he still tries to find ways to change Anthem. Equality's future plans are to make a new population with The Golden One and start a whole new society where men and women will have equal rights and will be able to fight for their freedom.

  28. Equality, Unconquered, or Prometheus, had his name changed two times, one by his wife and the other he picked for himself. He picked the name Prometheus because of the sort of person Prometheus was. Prometheus gave mankind the gift of fire and the skill of metal work. Equality, (when he was known as Equality) created glass box that produced light, a light bulb if you will, and intended to show it to the scholars as a gift. he wanted to share his gift with mankind, and he created this light bulb through wires and handy work. this is one place that connects the two of them. both Prometheus and Equality gave to mankind a new found power, a power of light, and both were punished and shamed for what they had done. Prometheus also fought in a war against the Olympians but eventually turned on his fellow brother titans and fought with the Olympians, and (although less intense) Equality also turned on his brother men and he ran into the forest where no one would find him. Prometheus eventually had a child who brought the new era of man, just like Equality said he was going to do, now that he had discovered the truth. Prometheus was also associated with science witch was Equality's favorite thing to learn.

  29. Equality chose the name Prometheus because he seemed a lot like him in many aspects like how he stood up to the government Prometheus stood up to the god of Olympis and tried to give light to men and equality had tried to give people the power of light and was tortured because he would not say what it was a lot like Prometheus he had been tortured because he gave people hope and light.

  30. Equality gave himself the name polythemis because they both have the same cause. They both were standing up for the human race and not giving up. He also like to disobey orders just like polyhtemis and goes and does his own thing. He also changes it because he doesn't like society so he changes his name so he feels like he is different and not the same as others.

  31. Equality becomes a leader by taking charge of his actions and leading his friends to a better life. He is going to lead them into a better life by giving them freedom and the right to say whatever they want. Equality will provide his friends and family with electricity and a place to be free from any worries.

  32. The significance of Equality choosing the name "Prometheus" is that Equality had similarities with Prometheus. "He took the light of gods and he brought it to men" (Rand 99). Overall, Equality compares to Prometheus by sharing a similar story. They both shared light to people and got into conflicts afterwards. Also, Equality and Prometheus ran the risk of getting into trouble for sharing their light to different people. Overall, I think Equality put in some research into choosing his name and it also fits perfectly for him

  33. #1. The reason the name "Prometheus" is significant is because he is/was known for being the god who gave humans the gift of metal working and was known for being a trickster. The metal is significant because of the use of the metal and wires used by Equality to make light, the thing that changed his life forever. Being similar to this, Equality gave a gift that involved metal working, and had to use trickery to escape the council so he would not be killed for it, similar to how Prometheus was punished severely by the Gods not with death, but having his liver torn out by and eagle, forever.

  34. I can infer that Equality chose this name form himself because he can relate to Prometheus strongly. I feel as if Equality see's himself as a resemblance of Prometheus. The both created amazing things and got shut down and punished for wrong- doing. As a result Equality ran away and Prometheus fought for the other side "When the titans would not follow his advice" in which would come to terms with him. Equality relates so much to Prometheus that I think that he almost feels the need to change is name, as in its more of a need than a want for him to truly feel like himself.

  35. In Greek mythology, it is widely accepted that Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it as a gift to man, but was later punished b Zeus. In the book "Anthem" by Ayn Rand, Equality rediscovers light and electricity and planned on gifting it to man kind, but his gift was denied and he was supposed to be punished. In chapter 12 of the book, Equality calls himself as a new leader for man kind saying that he will "fight, I and my sons and my chosen friends. For the freedom of Man. For his rights. For his life. For his honor." (Rand 104) He mentions that he will free all men from the tyranny of the word "We" and that he will create a new world. At the beginning of the story, Prometheus also rediscovers light. Light is in many cultures symbolized as hope or something pure and clean. By discovering it, Prometheus starts giving man a new hope, hope that they could rebuild was man had lost centuries ago, and start a new era. "Let us flood our cities with light. Let us bring a new light to men!" (Rand 71)

  36. I feel like he choose the name Prometheus because he is a rebel and Prometheus did still from the gods and gave the humans fire and Equality gave the scholars to see light and he was wanted because he broke laws and others but why i think it is because he is just his own person and is rebellious

  37. Equality chose the name Prometheus for he brought a more powerful light to men and was "lashed"(64) for it. Equality made this light without the council's permission. Prometheus also gave fire to man without the permission of the gods. Equality and Prometheus both wanted to give a "new power" (53) to men. They both brought light to men so they could build homes and see in the dark. They both both were punished for creating or giving something we consider good to and for men. So they seem like the same person.

  38. Equality named himself Prometheus because he related to the greek Mythology character. They both got punished for an action. The greek Prometheus was punished from stealing fire. Equality stole scrolls and candles. Once Prometheus did that he began to become interested in learning about science and culture. Equality did his actions because he wanted to learn more and invent things. Equality and Greek Prometheus are very alike and do a lot of things for the same exact reasons. “Prometheus raided the workshop of Hephaestus and Athena on Mt. Olympus and stole fire” (Mark Cartwright). Equality is now named Prometheus after reading how alike they are to each other.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Equality gave himself the name Prometheus because he is just like him. Prometheus did not let Zeus tell him what to do. In Anthem, Equality does not let the society tell him what to do because he knows its wrong. He knows that everyone should be different, have their own names, and be free to do whatever they want. Prometheus also loved to give gifts to people on earth. Equality invented the light and wanted to show the Scholars but they did not like the idea. Prometheus was known to be "a clever trickster"(Cartwright). Equality just wants to change the world so everyone in not the same. He believes that everyone should have their own name.

  41. #2 Equality is a leader because he showed Liberty that she could leave the society, too, because she was unhappy. He indirectly showed Liberty that she could stand up and do what she feels is right. She followed Equality into the Uncharted forest(Rand 82). Equality wants to retrieve some people from the society that e thought where unhappy and then build and create a new society, separate from their "old" society(Rand 101). Equality believes his society is a "cursed city of [his] birth"(Rand 101). He wants no other men to live like that.

  42. Equality named himself Prometheus because equality was sort of like him. Prometheus didn't let Zeus tell him what to do and how to live his life, and equality doesn't let his society tell him what to do and equality goes of and does his own things. Equality know that many people in that society do not all what to be the same and want to be different from one another.

  43. Equality is going to be a passionate leader that cares for his people and lets them do what they want. He wants to create a society that's for the people. " I shall lead them to my fortress. And here, in this uncharted wilderness, I and they, my chosen friends, my fellow builders, shall write the first chapter in the history of man" (Rand 100).

  44. Equality is a leader in his society because he knows more about the unmentionable times then the other men that will eventually come along in his society. His future plans would be having his son know and be raised like the unmentionable times and know the word I. Also he wants him, his sons, and his friends to build and new land and have ¨a world where each man will be free to exist for his own sake¨(Rand 104).

  45. In Anthem, Equality gives himself the name Prometheus. Prometheus is a very important name because it is the name of a man who brought his discovery to others. Equality chose his name because he believes that he and Prometheus have a lot in common. Equality explains, "He took the light of the gods and he brought it to men" (Rand 99). Because Equality risked his life trying to show his light to men, he believes that he is much like Prometheus. He also says that Prometheus suffered a lot because of his discovery, as did Equality since he had to run from society because of it. Equality believed that his discovery was the best thing that man could have and he showed it to men, like Prometheus. Then he suffered, just as Prometheus did. Equality chose that particular name because he believes that himself and Prometheus have the same story.

  46. Equality changed his name because he read about Prometheus and learned of what he did. Prometheus stole fire and metal working and gave them to man and he soon after became associated with science(Cartwright). Equality became in love with science and he disobyed rules and was even sent to correctional center where he was tortured. Prometheus was also tortured, Zeus sent and eagle every day to rip out and eat his liver, it just grew back every day and all he could do was sit and be tortured because he was chained to a pole. I think that it was a great name for Equality because he never listened and he was tortured for his love of science.

  47. Equality is different from most people in Anthem, and he knows he is different.He feels that he should make a better society.He wants the society to be natural made from the earth, and made by people who have suffered over the years in anthem.¨I shall lead them to my fortress,in the uncharted wilderness,I and they,My chosen friends,my fellow builders,shall write the first chapter in the new history of man¨(rand 101).

  48. Equality gave himself the name Prometheus because he is like him in many ways. Prometheus didn't let Zeus tell him what to do and like Equality he didn't let the society tell him what to do. Equality knows that everyone should be equal and have their own rights and have freedom. Equality made a light without the councils permission and Prometheus stole the fire and gave it to the men without the gods permission. They both wanted to help mankind by giving them something they felt they needed and did everything they can even if they were punished.

  49. Prometheus was a titan who was the founder of the human race and was important for the human race because he gave humans fire as a gift. Equality chooses the name Prometheus because he thinks that "all bearers of light must suffer" since both of them got in trouble for having some sort of light. Prometheus and Equality both tried to give some sort of light to people as a gift but the people that Prometheus had given the gift to accepted it while the people that Equality had given the gift to didn't accept it. They both were punished for different reasons. Prometheus was punished for stealing and Equality was punished for breaking the rules by being somewhere unknown and didn't want to tell where.

  50. In the novel ¨Anthem, Equality gave himself the name Prometheus because he felt like he was just like him. Prometheus didn't let Zeus tell boss him around nor did he tell him what to do. In Anthem, Equality does not let the society tell him what to do or be because he knows it's wrong and incorrect. Equality knows that everyone should be different, be their own person.Prometheus gave ideas and gifts to people around him. Equality invented light and wanted the Scholars to see it, but they didn't like the idea of it.

  51. Equality gave himself the name Prometheus because he is like the Greek god Prometheus . Prometheus did not let Zeus tell him what to do. In Anthem, Equality does not let the society tell him what to do. He wants everyone to be different, and live life without restraints. Prometheus liked to give gifts to people on earth just like Equality invented the light and wanted to show the Scholars. Equality just wants to change the world so everyone is not the same and wants everyone to live life however they want.

  52. Equality chose the name Prometheus because equality is just like him. And in the history of Prometheus he didn't let Zeus boss him around and tell him what to do. In Anthem its the same way with Equality he does not let the society/world council and the tell him what to do cause he knows that every word their saying is wrong. Equality wants everyone to be free and choose their own name and choose how to live. With Prometheus he also loved to give presents to the all the people on earth. Through out all of this Prometheus was known to be "a clever trickster" (Cartwright). All in all Equality such known as Prometheus just wants to change everything so everyone can be different in their own way as well. ("...I shall learn many secrets from my books. Through the years ahead, I shall rebuild the achievements of the past,and open the way to carry them further....")(Anthem 99).

  53. The symbol of light in anthem is knowledge, a new discovery. It´s representing this new knowledge and passion for Equality. He feels he discovered something greater than him. He knew that the initial steps to finding it were wrong but deep down he knew it was right, that this light was supposed to be found.Light is said to represent life, or love and Identity finding this light, he found these things as well. ¨We can give our brothers a new light, cleaner and brighter than any the have ever know.[rand 60]¨ The light is representing a discovery that could not be found without the will to discover.

  54. In Anthem Equality is leader in his society because he said the he can always go and do anything when he wanted to. "It is my will which chooses,and the choice of my will is the only edict I must respect"(Rand94). Equality thinks that in his society he wants them all not to be like they were in the old civilization he wants them to fell free. "I am neither foe nor friend to my brothers,but such as each of them shall deserve of. And to earn my love, my brothers must do more tan to have been born"(Rand96).

  55. Equality gave himself the name Prometheus because they both have similarities and both play similar roles in their society's. In anthem, Equality didn't let society change the way he thinks and lives and instead tried to change it but the World Council did not like his actions. Prometheus didn't let Zeus control him and tell him what to do but, like the World Council, Zeus wasn't very fond of his actions. Prometheus was also known for giving gifts to people,"Prometheus was given the task of endowing people with gifts" (Catwright). Equality also wanted to share his gift of light to the World Council and his brothers.

  56. #2 Equality is a leader in his society because he was brave to risk himself to fight for what he belives in. His future plans for his society is to be living a better place. Where everyone can be treated as indivuals. He wanted to ¨break the chains¨(Rand 101). He wants to make a difference.

  57. Equality gave himself the name Prometheus because Prometheus was doing something that he believed was right and Zeus punished him for giving the human race the gift fire and the skill of metalwork.In the book Anthem Equality was taken to the palace of corrective because he fell asleep in the cave and he got torture just like Prometheus."an action for which he was punished by Zeus, who ensured everyday that an eagle ate the liver of the Titan as he was helplessly chained to a rock"(Cartwright).

  58. Equality chose the name Prometheus because he gave something to the mankind. Equality wanted to give his "brothers" something new, something they have never seen before. Prometheus didn't let Zeus boss him around. Equality didn't let anyone tell him what to do after he found "the light". "Feeling sorry for man’s weak and naked state"("Ancient History Encyclopedia"). Equality was downcast for the society he was living in when he found out what was in the uncharted forest. Equality and Prometheus both felt unpleasant for their society. Both Equality and Prometheus had a family. They both cherish what they had and were grateful.

  59. Equality and prometheus both gave a gift to the human race, both gifts were also used to brighten places.Also fire and light were already created even before they discovered them. Another thing is that they were both punished for using it. One difference is that Prometheus was only punished because he actually stole fire from zeus."Prometheus was chained to a rock (or pillar) and Zeus sent an eagle to eat the Titan’s liver".I think he chose that name because he fought for what he wanted and they both pretty much fought for light.

  60. What light symbolizes to him is rebirth. What it represents to mankind is rebirth. And what it symbolizes in Anthem is happiness because light could also symbolize rebirth and that would make sense if that's what light symbolized because of the light,it could also represent hope, hope to be happy and not despaired, because all of the people in Anthem are despaired, and want to leave but they don't know where to go, but Equality had enough courage to keep information, and sneak out every night, just so he could show them the light. Even though they didn't approve of the light he still wanted to keep it because to him it represented rebirth

  61. #3: The light that Equality creates symbolizes hope for him. The light could also mean hope for mankind, or possibly prosperity. After looking on the web for more information about light as a symbol in literature, I found a lot more than I was expecting. Besides hope, light also symbolizes "the spiritual and the divine", "illumination and intelligence", as well as "the source of goodness", "knowledge... Purity and morality" and finally, "creative force and optimism" (http://www.umich.edu). In anthem, I think that the light means hope, but upon the further research I did, I think is may also tie into "knowledge" and "creative force and optimism", because throughout most of the earlier stages of making the light, Equality says "We shall go to this Council and we shall lay before them, as our gift, the glass box with the power of the sky. We shall confess everything to them.They will see, understand and forgive... and we will be shall be assigned to the Home of Scholars. This has never been done before, but neither has a gift such as ours been offered to men."

    1. Great job integrating the research with your own personal ideas!

  62. In Greek mythology Prometheus was like Equality and Equality liked the name Prometheus they are both very a like that is why i think the author chose the name.Prometheus wanted to share fire with the world like how Equality wanted to share his discovery light and Prometheus showed the people fire without permission of the gods and Equality showed the scholars light without the permission of the council.They are both curious Prometheus was interested in science and culture and Equality was interested in new ideas inventions everything that he did not know about.They were both punish for these actions and Equality got lashed and Prometheus was punished withn a eagle who ate his liver everyday

  63. In Anthem Equality gives himself the name of Prometheus because they are very similar in many ways. Equality when discovered the "light" in his society he wants to share it it with his fellow "brothers", he wants to help and guide them so they can learn more and be free. Like Prometheus, he goes against what Zeus rules, just like when Equality goes against the world council.They are very similar.

  64. Equality was a leader in his society because is a leader in his society he fought for what he believed him and was determined to do what he felt was right.he never told the council about the light even if they were pressuring him.He has future plans that he will basically fix society somewhere else with people who wanted something better.First he will start with electricity because"[he][has]found the engine which produced this light.[He] shall learn ho to repair it and how to make it work again"(Rand 100).


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