30 Day Challenge!
Watch the video "Try Something New for 30 Days" and answer the questions that follow:
1. If you could create your own 30 day challenge, what would you do? Be creative!
2. How could you apply this idea to school? What could you do for 30 days that would help you start the school year with success?
3. Why is it important to set goals and try new things?
If I could try something new for 30 days, I would like to start my own (personal) blog. I took a class this summer on how to create a blog, so I already know how to begin. I would blog about my kids, teaching, cooking, crafting...everything I love. Writing is my passion, and I've always wanted to keep a journal. I think this would be a good combination of both. This applies to school, because I could improve my writing skills and become a more creative thinker/writer. Improving my own writing would help me to be a better teacher, and also help me empathize with students who struggle with writing. Setting goals and trying new things is important, because it pushes you to do things you are too busy, lazy, or unmotivated to do. I know I could set aside 15 minutes a day to blog. I think I'm going to start today. How about you? Do you think you will actually follow through with the 30 day challenge?
ReplyDeleteIf I had to do a 30 day challenge, I would run each day. for example, For the first day I would do a quick one minute run, for the second day I would run for two minutes, and so on for each day. I feel like running or going outside helps me have a clear mind, and forget about all the school stress. Doing this for 30 days is simple for me because I can worry less on what's going to happen,I try to think that I can accomplish all the tasks without having to worry about anything. Starting the school year with a whole bunch of stress is not helpful, try doing something calm and relaxing for you, or just think about how you can make this the best school year possible. Setting goals is one big issue that most people have. The more you are organized the more you can accomplish. Setting goals even if you are lazy is fun, all you have to do is try to improve on what you need to improve on. If you do this you have a feeling like you just accomplished something big and you want to continue with your great work. I'm not going to lie, I'm really lazy at most times, but I try to set goals on what I have to do so I won't feel lazy anymore. Trying new things is one way you can feel happy. Even eating something that you have never tried before is helping you feel happy. It's because you feel like there's no stress and nothing to worry about while you do something you enjoy. I know I can do my goal of not eating unhealthy foods constantly, so I'll try to run to get rid of my habit by just doing my 30 day challenge.
ReplyDeleteRunning is a great habit to create! I'm glad you see goals as being important. Great job on writing a thorough response.
DeleteIf I had to do a 30 day challenge I would try to cut down on the amount of junk food I ate by going for a bike ride every day. I would do 2 minutes the first day 4 the next and so on for every day.
ReplyDeleteI think a bike ride is a great challenge. You should try it! As far as blog comments, you need to write more. Be sure to answer all questions thoroughly for full credit.
DeleteIf I could complete a 30 day challenge I would go on an adventure everyday.I would start out small like maybe a half mile away from my house, as the days pass I would start to venture further like maybe 1 or 2 miles. I would not go to places like circle k or anything like that, I would want to expirence what nature has to offer. I feel like if I successfully completed this challenge I would be a stronger person, both mentally and physically. I feel like this challenge would really help me push my limits; I love pushing my limits I think doing a challenge like this would really help me do that. As I experience this challenge I would unplug from the rest of the world and think about what it means to be alive in this world, so many people are focused on themselves and I would want to think about what I would need to do to be the person that I wanna be.
ReplyDeleteI love this! You should totally do this challenge. I agree that more of us need to "unplug". Great job in your response and being thorough.
DeleteIf i had to do a 30 day challenge i would try to get more active every day. If I tried doing this at 5 o´clock every day I would go on a mile run or maybe 2 miles. By doing this i would be getting out of the house and getting way more active.This would help me because it would get me stronger. Its better then sitting on the computer or watching TV all the time.It would let me go see whats outside and maybe go to the park.It would make my legs more build and stuff for football and basketball.Everyday i would try to get a better time than the other day and if i do that i would mark it on a calendar.If i complete it would make me a better person and i can believe in my self.I would feel better and i would be able to do better in school
ReplyDeleteAdam, make sure you update your username on Blogger so it shows up. Being active is a great challenge! I think you should go for it. Work on capitalizing the letter "I" and putting a space after end marks.
DeleteIf i could create my own thirty day challenge I would try and eat healthy and exercise for thirty days then have some cheat days and I know that's what some people do on a regular basis but I am very unhealthy may be skinny but very unhealthy. I think me eating healthy would help me more cause I would have less sugar in my system and wont have sugar rushes and have my body shut down. I could cut out the junk and eat healthier and drink healthier things such as less juice and sugary drinks and more vegetables and fruits and start going to the gym or doing exercise at home since i'm not doing any sports at this time. It is important to set goals and try new things because if you don't your life will be boring because you've been doing the same thing your whole life if you don't set goals you wont achieve anything, you may achieve some things but not all things or new things. If i don't set goals to try and start eating healthier i will probably start getting really sick again and setting goals will help me and trying new things besides the same old junk i'm always eating. So i will start trying to be healthier.
ReplyDeleteEating healthy is an awesome goal! I agree that people shouldn't eat well just to be skinny, but to be strong and healthy. Great job being thorough in your comment. Just a tip: make sure you capitalize "I".
DeleteIf I had to do a 30 day challenge I would try to learn a new trick on my skateboard on the first day, after the first I would try to learn 2 tricks a day.
ReplyDeleteVictor, I think learning new tricks on your skateboard is a great challenge. I graded easy on this blog, but you need to write way more next time. Be sure to answer all questions thoroughly and write 100-200 words.
Deletetest comment
ReplyDeleteIf I have to do a 30 day challenge, I would do intensive training. Basically what one would do in basic training for the U.S. military. I would push myself through it and get all access anger and stress out of my system. Without all of the anger boiling inside of me, and without stress, I would be much more focused on school. I benefit with the training by exercising and getting healthy,and by focusing which can improve my learning. Improving my learning capabilities is a great way to succeed in school. It is important to set goals for yourself because you can achieve greatness if your goals are good ones. Id you start setting a few goals, you will put yourself in the habit of setting new ones and trying your hardest to accomplish them. I would set aside 2 hours of my day for my challenge, no problem.
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome! You should do it! It sounds like school is important to you, but the stress distracts you. Working out definitely helps. Great job on being thorough in your response.
DeleteMy 30 day challenge at this point in time would be to go back and relearn Algebra. I would go back to the beginning of the book and start with X=2+3. After that, I would work my way up through the book and finally meet up with the teacher's lesson plan. The main motivation for this came from getting more than half of my review homework wrong. Secondly, I will be using math for the rest of my life. I am going to be a programmer later in life, and that requires a lot of math. Lastly, it s important to try new things or strengthen your weak points. This is why the 30 day challenge it so successful. 30 days seems a lot less daunting than the rest of your life, even though most of the 30 day challenges promote things that that stick with you for the rest of your life.
ReplyDeleteI love that you want to learn something that was difficult the first time. You should do it! Great job on your thorough response.
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ReplyDeletef I had to do something new everyday for 30 days I would try new foods everyday. Some foods I would try would be Vietnamese foods, Korean foods, and different types of pizza. This applies to school such as trying new things. If you don't know how to do something you can try different methods on how to solve or complete your problem. It is important to set goals and try new thing because if you know you need something done and you just keep procrastinating you need to set a goal to thrive to be better. Trying new this is not only important but it is also beneficial to yourself.
ReplyDeleteSounds yummy! Good job answering all questions thoroughly.
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ReplyDeleteIf I had to do something new for a month I would try new things out of my routine every week. I would try to change up my morning routine by doing everything opposite such as , brushing my teeth then breakfast.Next , I would take a shower after breakfast. Then I would get dressed for school. To try something out i would go for a jog in the morning so I cant get fully awake and energized. Usually after I'm ready I walk to school instead I would skate to school making it faster to get to school. Trying this new routine would probably make things easier for me to do and to get to school.Trying new things doesn't make harder unless that's what your pushing yourself to do. So in conclusion trying never hurts anyone.
ReplyDeleteThat's a creative challenge. I like the idea of making morning easier. Good job responding thoroughly. Be sure to use correct grammar and communicate ideas clearly.
DeleteIf i had a 30 day challenge, I would use all 30 days to improve my volleyball skills by practicing everyday. I can apply this to school by getting involved with the volleyball team at PV. I could use 30 days to start school off successfully by coming to school prepared with all my supplies and getting all my papers signed and turned in. It's important to set goals because goal will help you succeed in life. They will help you stay focused on what you really want. It's good to try new things because you can meet some new people when you on a sports team or in a club or in a class with people you dont know.
ReplyDeleteI love volleyball! I hope to see you try out for the PV team! Good job answering all questions thoroughly.
DeleteIf I had to do something new for 30 days, it would be staying off my phone. I'm addicted to my phone, when i'm on my phone i get nothing done. So I need to go out doors and hang with friends or join a club. The method I will use for 30 days would be, doing my homework, enjoying fun activity, learning more french and last but not least studying.
ReplyDeleteThat is an awesome challenge...even if you can just limit your phone use! I should do the same. It's a huge time waster. Try to write a little bit more in your blog comment and don't forget to capitalize "I". Great job overall!
DeleteIf I could create a 30-day challenge, I think the challenge would be to learn a new language within a month; like Sign-Language or French-Canadian. I say this because if I learned a new language, I would be a lot smarter and would be able to get high school language credits. I would apply the knowledge to high school, so then I could pass without taking a new language because I already would know a language, to start the school year with success, I would insert some words that people would already know. It is important to try new things in life, so we can gain wisdom and common sense.
ReplyDeleteI think that's an awesome goal! I like how you chose Sign Language or French. You should look for a course online. Great job answering all questions.
DeleteIf you 10 create a 30 day challenge I would try to do all of my work on time.I always have had trouble with turning in work so I will try to get all of my work done a day ahead in order to always be on time. If I am always a day ahead than I wont be behind on my work. Its always better to be ahead tan behind. It is important to set goals and try new things because it keeps you going and helps you to focus on your goal.
ReplyDeleteI think that's a great idea for a challenge. If you get a system in place, I think you will find it's easy to turn work in on time. The Pride Guide or an app may be able to help with that. Try to write a bit more in your blog comment and look for typos.
DeleteIf I had to do something for 30 days I would try new reasturants everyday. I would go to five guys because I have never been there and everyone says that it is super good. But I wouldn´t just try out american foods, I would try out foreign foods too. I could apply this to school by being happy and up for school because food tends to make me happy and say I have a decent breakfast everyday I would be up and ready for school. It is always important to set new goals and try new things because you should always set goals to complete them and if you have no goals to complete your life will be boring and empty, also the same thing with trying new things you want to experience a lot of things because if you dont your life will get boring will doing the same stuff all of the time.
ReplyDeleteVery cool challenge idea. I like Greek and Indian food a lot. You should try them!
DeleteIf I was do the 30 day challenge, I would try to be a better friend. I'm sure if you asked any of my friends, they'd tell you I was already good, but I want to do more for all of them. For example, in fashion class I am making multiple projects that I'm sure they would love, so I could make some extra,and give them for being such great friends to me all these years. Another thing I would like to do is make new friends this year. I don't have many friends in any of my classes, so this will be a great thing to try out.
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome challenge! I'm sure you will make friends quickly. Why are goals important?
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ReplyDeleteIf I were to start a 30 day challenge and start something new for 30 days, I would try and learn a little German. The reason I would do this is because I was willing to choose German as the new language I would learn in Paradise Valley High School. German is an important European language to learn since Germany was one of the founders of the European Union and German is spoken in Belgium, which is also one of the countries that founded the European Union. Also, German is the most spoken language in Europe. So in conclusion, I would learn German which would help me if I ever travel to Germany or Europe in general, and also help me out in school by already knowing some of the language I want to learn. I guess it is important to try new things which can be beneficial in life and school or simply try new hobbies, which can make you life better.
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of learning a new language. I know some German and Spanish, but I'd like to learn more. Gute Idee!! (that means good idea in German)
DeleteIf i had to do something new for 30 days i think it would be to eat deserts.A couple of the deserts i would eat would be some different types of ice cream that i have not tried.i think i would try it with different types of candies.it is important to set goals because that way you get to learn new things that you have not tried.trying new things is not just important but it is also good for you.30 days might seem like it is a lot but if you actual do it i bet you the days are going to go by fast.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure I could eat different desserts for 30 days! Easy, but fun challenge. Be sure you always capitalize "I" in your writing.
DeleteIf i challenged myself for 30 days, Instead of going on my phone right when I get home from school I would do my homework, study or work on assignments. My reward would be being able to go on my phone after I finish all my school. Doing this challenge could help my grades and get me off my phone. Maybe doing this for 30 days it would become a routine.
ReplyDeleteYes! I think you should absolutely follow through with this challenge! You can reward yourself with some tech time after. Good ideas, but try to write more and be sure you answer all questions.
DeleteMy 30 day challenge would be to help people get active and moving. I would do everything with everyone and help them through it. I would never ignore someone if they need my help. Kids these days are not active and are very unhealthy. For schools this would help the students be active and when they are healthy, they are happy and ready to learn more often. setting this goal and making your self uncomfortable helps you learn and explore whats out there instead of being on the bed on there phone not listen to people and talking to them. Setting goals helps you when you are older, it will teach you work and not miss dead lines. when you have dead lines you will get it done and not procrastinate.
ReplyDeleteGreat goal! You must be an active person yourself. Be sure to capitalize the first word in each sentence. Nice job answering all questions.
DeleteIf i had to try something new everyday for 30 days it would try to talk to at least one new person everyday because many middle schools have merged with other middle schools giving us opportunities to meet new people. Because there is alot of new people. I will try to get to know that person a little better like knowing their favorite color or other things we have min common maybe making a couple good friends along the way. i encourage everyone to try this with me.
ReplyDeleteAwesome idea! I think you will have tons of new friends if you follow through with this challenge. Try to write a little more and be sure to answer all questions in your blog comment.
DeleteIf I had a thirty day challenge it would probably be to try as hard as I possibly could in school. I would get all my homework and assignments done the day I got them and study for at least one hour or an hour and a half. This challenge would yes, obviously be a challenge but you could also say it would a be a good practice for what the future could possibly hold. This challenge is completely wrapped around school. I mean how much more school can you get than studying?! You know having idea and goals is really important for life because you are always setting and completing new goals. Every single day people all over the world are making goals for themselves, whether it is eating a banana at 4:00 or getting to work early, we are all making goals sometimes even without knowing.
ReplyDeleteGreat challenge, and great job answering all questions thoroughly. I hope you follow through with this one!
DeleteIf I had to do a 30 day challenge, I think I would start exercising at least 30 minutes a day and 3-4 times a week. I would also try to eat something healthy everyday.Maybe like a salad or something. When I exercise it takes away all the stress and I stay calm. Also, by eating healthy food I would stay healthy. I think the 30 day challenge would help me start the school year good because I wouldn´t be stressed out, I would be calmed and focus. I would also be healthy cause of the healthy food I would be eating. I think setting goals is important because I think its great when you achieve a goal and you feel great that you have achieved one of you´re goals.
ReplyDeleteAwesome goal! You should go for it!
DeleteIts a good story and it inspiers but its like a downer but i do like it and i hope it is that way for
ReplyDeletePlease answer all questions thoroughly and respond to the prompt. You need to write 100-200 words for full credit. Please read the directions on the right for specifics.
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ReplyDeleteI, last year, started making a story in a composition notebook because I would have free writing time in english class. I loved doing it and after waching the video, it made me want to continue writing my story again. I cant remember why I even stopped and I want to start again now, and it will also help me with story building and its a fun thing to do in the free time that I have every now and then.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like an awesome challenge! Maybe you will become a famous author one day. Why is it important to set goals? Try to write a bit more in your blog comments.
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ReplyDeleteIf I have to do sth new in 30 days, I would like to study about photography. I always want to be a photographer but my pressure time doesn't allow me to do it.
ReplyDeleteI would love to learn about photography also. Taking photos is something I love to do! Be sure to write 100+ words in your blog comments. Answer all questions in the prompt.
DeleteMy 30 day challenge would be to try a new style of dance for the next 30 days. To apply this to school I could possibly take a dance class, which would also add to my credits needed to graduate. 30 day challenges could allow you to succeed in so many ways by setting school or academic challenges to complete in 30 days. I think it is important to set goals because when you set as goal you are more likely to come through with it. When you just think of something you would maybe like to try people usually don't go through with it but if you set a goal for your self you are more likely to go through with your goal and complete it.
ReplyDeleteDance is super fun! My daughter does ballet and tap. Great challenge and good job answering thoroughly.
DeleteMy 30 day challenge would be to try some new foods. I would go to different food places. I try other countries food that I find on the menu. At school I try clubs and classes like culinary. Also I study math flash cards to get the times table in my head. It is important to set goals and try new things because the goals help give you something to work for and trying new thing help grow experiences. Also it helps you become ready to do new things without fear.
ReplyDeleteI really like your last sentence! It helps you grow and loose your fear.
DeleteIf i could do something new for 30 days i would sleep earlier so i can get more sleep and be focused in school so i can pay attention in class and not fail so i can pass high school and I wont fail any classes so i wont have to take them next year again.
ReplyDeleteGreat goal Cesar! I hope you follow through with it. Some tips on the blog comments: be sure to capitalize "I" and punctuate sentences. Also, try to respond to all questions and write a bit more. I look forward to your success this year!
DeleteIf I challenge myself for 30 days, instead of going straight to sleep i will do my homework, study for a quiz or a test. My reward would be being able to use my phone after I'm all done with my homework and quiz's and testes. Doing this challenge could help me stop using my phone and start doing stuff that is more important then my phone. If mi would do this for 30 days I can tell you that i can do it and that I won't give up.
ReplyDeleteGreat challenge. This is exactly what we talked about today with prioritizing! A small tip would be to always capitalize "I".
DeleteKim's post above
ReplyDeleteIf I could set a 30 day challenge it would be to eat healthier and exercise a lot more. With the way i am eating may already be on the healthy side i tend to eat a lot of food to much i think at least. I've noticed over time how I've felt emotionally and physically over my weight I might look as if I am average size for my age i feel as if i am not and i defiantly don't feel this way during a workout or exercise. This I believe could help me to a successful year bye just making a change instead of making an excuse on not wanting to change how i eat or being to lazy to exercise besides p.e or volleyball. I can also make the change of doing at home workouts more instead of going to the refrigerator to get more food. I think making a goal or a plan is a good way to get over bad habits or start new ones like the man says in the video because if you not happy with something you must change it, so you can be happy with yourself for making a change in yourself. (Jamie)
ReplyDeleteGreat challenge and you did a great job responding thoroughly! Don't forget to always capitalize "I", even in blog comments. :)
DeleteIf I could do something new for 30, it would be to stop eating junk food and watching netflix. Instead of just going home and sleep, I can finish all my assignments or homework that needs to be completed. If I did that, it will help me in school so I wont have any missing assignments.You can try new stuff and find out how fun is to go on adventures or doing new stuff.
ReplyDeleteGreat goal, Oscar. I am also addicted to Netflix! As long as you make homework your first priority, you can still watch some TV at night. Try to write a bit more in your blog comments.
DeleteIf I did the 30 day challenge it would be to have better sleeping habits. sometimes during the day I take naps and then stay up till all hours of the night. I would try to go to sleep before midnight.
ReplyDeleteGreat goal, Emery! Be sure to write 100+ words in your blog comments.
DeleteIf I had to do the 30 day challenge I would make it more random or unique. It would be like walk around the block this many times and then more the next week. Try out photography or painting something. Maybe I would learn a new instrument and try a few songs later on. I would go to more places or buy and try some new food. I would mostly base it around the season like go build a snowman or sledding in winter and swimming and surfing in summer. I would just go out there and try something new, random or plain out crazy and weird.(-SPENCER WELLS) B:5
ReplyDeleteSo what would be your goal for this month? I like how you are thinking about it long-term!
DeleteIf I had my own 30 day challenge it would probably be to be to practice my tumbling everyday. I am an all-star cheerleader on a level 5 international team(the highest level) but I have been slacking at practice because I do have a minor injury. So when I am able to participate more in practice, I will be a bit behind and have to work on some of my tumbling and skills for the lost time in practiced for the next few weeks and the last couple weeks. If you were to not get in extra practice once you have recovered it could impact your team and how you feel. I am usually a lot more sore if I don't get in a few couple hours of practice after an injury. It could also improve my skills that I already have. It will make them look more clean and more effortless. It would make me feel a lot better about being on a team with people who are a lot older, bigger, and stronger than me because I am the only minor on the team.
ReplyDeleteThat's an awesome goal, and I'm glad you found a talent that you love. Great job answering thoroughly.
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ReplyDeleteIf I had to do something new for 30 days I would probably change my routine and make different habits.Instead of going home to watch tv or eat junk food I could try to play more sports.I would probably finish all my homework first so that I won't have to worry about that later or forget about it and not do it.I would also be less shy when it comes to trying out new things.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you want to prioritize! What sport would you like to play? Try to write a bit more in your comments (100+ words). Great goals!
DeleteIf I were to try a thirty-day challenge, I would probably choose to exercise for an hour and a half everyday. I believe that exercising helps you with having a clear mind. I also know that exercise helps your body to be healthier. If I were to try exercising for an hour (even if it was only sit-ups and push ups) it would help me significantly. I know that if I did try that every night for 30 days, I would come to school feeling happier and better. Exercise needs to be a big part of everyone's life because it helps with so many aspects. When I exercise it makes me a happier person. It clears my mind and helps me focus. Knowing this, if I made an attempt to exercise for up to an hour and a half everyday for thirty days, I would most likely do better in school and life in general. Also trying new things (like exercising everyday) is helpful because it would be a great way for me to learn how to try other new things a lot easier. If I tried this challenge for thirty days I think it would help not only with my physical health but my mental health.
ReplyDeleteExcellent goal, and you answered very thoroughly. Great job!
DeleteIf I had to do a 30 day challenge it would have to be to do my homework every night because then maybe it would stick. It's good to set new goals for yourself.-Autumn G
ReplyDeleteI think that's a great goal, Autumn! Be sure to write 100+ words in your blog posts.
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ReplyDeleteIf I had to do the 30 day challenge I would it would haft to be changing my sleep schedule, cause when I come home from school I just take a long nap. It effects my sleep schedule for school cause I don't go to sleep until like 11. If i could apply to school it would help me get more sleep so I can focus more on school instead of trying to fall asleep. It is important to set goals because you have something you can achieve.
ReplyDeleteThat's a well thought out goal, Logan! Be sure to double check your grammar in your blog comment and always capitalize "I".
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ReplyDeletei would probably try to sleep before 11 because of summer my sleeping schedule is messed up. I've been sleeping at 2-3 in the morning and waking up around 9-10 so usually in school from 7:30-10 i'm still pretty sleepy. A way this helps and involves school is if i get more sleep i'll be more focused on school and i'll actually be awake throughout the day
ReplyDeleteThat's a great goal to shoot for. Be sure to capitalize "I" and write in complete sentences.
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ReplyDeleteIf I did the 30 day challenge I would do adventurous thing that poeple wount do every day.I would go skydiving etc. This idea will help me in school by freshing my head and being carefree.It will help start the school year with out being worried about little things that happen to me.It is important to start new things and set a goal because this will make you want to achive and think about it everyday and will make you want to do it.
ReplyDeleteYou're a daredevil! Do you think you will ever go skydiving? My brother-in-law used to do it professionally. Be sure to check your grammar in your blog comments.
DeleteIf i could set a 30 day challenge it would be to make sure I do all of my school work and not slack on it. This could help me get into the collage that I hope to go to one day i think the 30 day challenge is a good way to get over bad habbits and to make good and new ones. I would also study for test and exams insted of going home and hoping I get a good grade on it or not wait till the last minute to study and not get through it all and hope I pass whatever I didn't study for. Another challenge I would try and be more helpful to the enviorment and do more for people that I know and don't know.
ReplyDeleteExcellent goals!
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ReplyDeleteIf I had to do a thirty day challenge it would be to, at least ride two miles a day for those thirty days. I think this relates to school because, riding to school is one mile and back home is another mile so for five days of the week I get 2 miles a day. I think this could help with school because i will look forward to getting up in the morning to ride my bike to school and complete this goal. I think it is good to have goals because then you're always trying to accomplish something.
ReplyDeleteDo you think you will do it? It's a great goal, because you get some exercise. Be sure to double check your grammar before you post.
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ReplyDeleteIf i had to do a 30 day challenge, i would go hiking everyday but not here because it is extremely hot here. This apply to school this is like a hill or mountain. Hiking is like having success in life. The only way to succeed is by climbing the mountain for success. It is important to set goals and try new thing because who know what if the goal you set or the one that change your life for more new thing.
ReplyDeleteI like your metaphor about success! I also love hiking, and do it often in the cooler weather. Be sure to check your grammar before posting.
DeleteIf I had to do the 30 day challenge It would be to get up earlier. This applies to school because If I wake up earlier I can be on the bus on time and school. If I start waking up early I can also do work that I didn't finish. It also gives me the chance togged everything prepared for the day so I can be organized ready. Even If I hate waking up early I'm going to start for the better of me. It is important to set goals for yourself because its trying something new also, because once your one with that goal you can start to make more goals that apply to your daily life. When your done with that certain goal its exciting because you accomplished that goal and now you know that you can do something if you just put your mind , time and effort to it.
ReplyDeleteGreat goal, and fantastic job answering all questions thoroughly!
DeleteIf I had to do the 30 day challenge, it would just be doing homework right when I get home. Normally I do my homework later at night and I finish it pretty late. Then I get less sleep and I wake up super tired and just want to fall asleep all day. This would help me get my homework done so I don't have to worry about it. It is important to set goals because it will make your life more fun and you can achieve more goals.
ReplyDeleteI love that goal, Devon! You should do your HW right after school, and then allow yourself some free time after. :)
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ReplyDeleteIf I had to do a 30 day challenge I would try to be healthier and be more active by exercising every day for at least 30 minutes. This would help me perform better at school, because I would be more energized off of all the healthy food in my body instead of junk food. It would also help me maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is important to set goals and try new things because it makes your life easier in the long run and achieving your goals can also be fun.
ReplyDeleteVery true! Many of your fellow classmates also had this goal!
Deleteif i had a 30 day goal. It would be to be to do my home work right after school when i get home. Because i don't like doing my home work at night cause i get so tired and i don't think as well. If i do it right after school i get the rest of the night to do whatever i want.
ReplyDeleteGreat goal, Briden! Be sure to capitalize "I" always. Expand your ideas a bit and try to write more.
DeleteIf i had to do a 30 day challenge it would be to do my homework right after school so i would get use to it instead of doing at night where i'm too tired to do it. Also, i'll get all my work done so i wont get bad grades and i will have the rest of the day to do whatever i want and not have to worried about my homework.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds an awful lot like Briden's post. Be sure to come up with your own ideas and write your own words in your blog comments. I read every single one of them. :)
DeleteIf I had to do something different everyday for a month I would, only be on my phone for only two hours a day. I would want to do this because I am always on my phone and it is unhealthy to be on a phone as long as I am. I will set a timer on my phone for two hours everyday and I will try not to waste my time on my phone and use it more wisely. Some ways I can use my phone more wisely are, using it for school research or articles, etc. I know this challenge will be hard to conquer but I think I will be able to achieve it. Noah Porter
ReplyDeleteThat's a great goal, and that is still a lot of time on your phone!
DeleteIf I had to quit something or do something for thirty days i would change the way I eat and cut out all the bad tings I eat. I would want to do that because as a cross country runner I need to be very healthy so I can run faster and be better than what I already am. So if anything I'd eat a lot healthier then what I already do to make me a healthier human.
ReplyDeleteThat's a great goal! Why are goals important? Be sure to check your grammar on comments.
Deleteit is important to set goals because you have to think about your future if you dont set goals then you dont have a future if you try new things then you can learn more new things.
ReplyDeleteWhat would be your goal if you could try something new for 30 days? Write 100-200 words.
DeleteIf I had to create a 30 day challenge It would be to do my homework before soccer practice because I would always do my homework after and I would always come too tired to do It then I would always get used to doing It and help me set my goals.
ReplyDeleteGreat goal! Be sure to write 100-200 words in your comments.
DeleteIf I had to create a challenge that I have to do for 30 days it will be pay attention in all my classes.This applies to school because I talk a lot and don't listen.I would start off by telling my teacher to move me to a different table then I'll concentrate better.It is important to have goals so you can know what your working for,don't give up,and don't ever say you can't do it.
ReplyDeleteGreat goal, Jorge!
DeleteIf I had to create a 30 day challenge first thing I would do is do my homework more and do it correctly especially in math I don't really do homework for math and if I do it a lot of the answers are wrong I'll study way more because I don't even study at all.It is important to set a goal because you have to think about your future with out a goal I can't even see if I'm going to have a future and if you try new things then you can learn new things.
ReplyDeleteExcellent goal. Be sure to check your grammar.
DeleteIf I had to create a 30 day challenge the first thing would be to do my homework more often cause I would be too tired after volley ball practice and I will check if my answers are correct and especially in math class I will ask more questions. This applies to school because homework is a grade and it's important towards your future it stays in your record. Goals are really important so you could know what your working for, and so that you could try even harder to reach it. -Erica Berrelleza
ReplyDeleteExcellent goal!
DeleteMy thirty day challenge for myself is to be a better planner and know what i will do the next day.This thirty day challenge will even help me in school because i well wake up more earlier and and do my homework right when i come home.I think it is important to set goals and try new things because if you set goals you feel great when you complete it and makes you feel good about yourself and you are more likely to complete a task when you set goals.I also think trying new things is good because you can have a new great experience you might need to take some risk since you might not like the experience.
ReplyDeleteGreat goal! Be sure to capitalize "I" and check your grammar.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletemy thirty day challenge would be to do all my homework on time, that way I can get a good grade on my classes. my thirty day challenge would help me in school because I would get all my work done and i wouldn't have to worry about not completing it or not having it on time the next day. I think that setting goals and trying new things is important because you would have a new challenge all the time and you would never get tired of it. Also trying new thing would make you have different experiences and you would know what you like and don't like.
ReplyDeleteExcellent goal!
DeleteMy 30 day challenge is to turn work in on time and get my homework done so I can pass and to make a new friend everyday I think its good to do this so I can pass classes and not struggle like I have in the past. I think a challenge is good and can really help you in life.
ReplyDeleteMy 30 day challenge is to pay attention and put in as much effort as i can, and turn in my assignments on time
ReplyDeleteFor my 30 day challenge I would be more active by getting out of the house more, trying out for sports, joining clubs, and more. Its important to set goals so you can accomplish more in life.
ReplyDeleteIf i made a 30 day challenge i would probably run at least 2 to 3 miles a day.The reason for that is because that would make me stronger, healthier, and smarter.Also running could tire me out during the day and it will help me sleep more comfortable at night.i could probably even get more rest by running everyday.It also will also help out so when i want to join a sport,i will be more prepared.running might even help me out during school i would be more awake and prepared to learn.It will be harder for me to get sick,so i will be a healthy kid.
ReplyDeleteIf i made a 30 day challenge i would probably run at least 2 to 3 miles a day.The reason for that is because that would make me stronger, healthier, and smarter.Also running could tire me out during the day and it will help me sleep more comfortable at night.i could probably even get more rest by running everyday.It also will also help out so when i want to join a sport,i will be more prepared.running might even help me out during school i would be more awake and prepared to learn.It will be harder for me to get sick,so i will be a healthy kid.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy 30 day challenge would be to focus in school and study for tests. This will get me better grades and get me further in life.
ReplyDeleteWrite 100-200 words and be sure to answer all questions thoroughly.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy 30 day challenge will be focusing on my homework because if I start turning my work in I will successful in my classes. #30DAYCHALLENGE
ReplyDeletePlease change your screen name so I know who you are.
DeleteIs this Jesus Martinez or Jesus MartinezSanchez?